WorkHero 5.6 is live! NFC Tap 2 Pair & Team Rankings

Our latest software update, Rufus WorkHero 5.6.0 for Android & Web is out now and comes with HUGE new features: NFC Tap 2 Pair and Team Rankings πŸŽ‰ πŸŒ‰


1) What is "NFC Tap 2 Pair"?

NFC Tap 2 Pair is an all new feature that allows you to pair your Scan2 wearable scanner module with your Rufus Cuff Pro 2 rugged android device. Here's a quick video on how to pair your using NFC

1) Make sure your Rufus Cuff Pro is updated to WorkHero 5.6.0.

2) Open WorkHero and select Tap 2 Pair from the Menu

3) Follow the on-screen prompts and hold your Scan2 wearable module together with your Rufus Cuff Pro2 as shown.

4) You’re connected!

2) Team Rankings

Now you can view performance metrics related to different teams you create. Navigate to this new feature via dashboard -> Intelligence -> Team Rankings. 

When you create specific teams and assign users to those teams- you will see scans, steps, and labor time metrics for each team. Utilize this feature to track and optimize the performance of different tasks, shifts, or even track break times for your employees.

3) Web Portal 2.0

 Our new, locked-down, built-in, web portal is more powerful than ever. Works with 99% all web based WMS/ERP systems. Allows for multiple locked down pages to be opened and used at once. Fixes issues some customers experienced with certain pages/elements not loading or functioning properly.

Watch the quick tutorial video on how to use the new WorkHero Web Portal with Chrome Tabs above.

The main difference in the new Web Portal is how you switch between your Web Portal tabs. Now you will click on the 3 dots on the upper left of the screen to access your Chrome Tabs. You can then easily swipe between as shown in the video to change between tabs.

Reach out to your customer success manager or email us at to get started with NFC Tap 2 Pair, Team Rankings, and the new Web Portal today!


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