Rufus WorkHero 5.7 is Live! Incident Reporting, Device Utilization, and more 🚀

Happy Tuesday! Our latest software update, WorkHero 5.7.0 is going live now!  New features include: Incident Reporting, Historical Device Utilization, Elapsed & Total Work Time, and Enhanced Charts! 

‼️ NEW Incident Reporting: Workers can now report incidents directly from WorkHero on their Android devices. Things like Proof of Delivery, spill/cleanup, and even bad barcodes can be snapped using the built-in camera, reported and instantly alert facility managers and admins. Incident Reports will stay in your WorkHero database and dashboard for easy audit trails.

Workers open the WorkHero app to report incidents at the workplace to notify management.

Managers view incident reports on the Rufus WorkHero web dashboard.

NEW Historical Device Utilization:

Knowing how many devices are being used daily, over time, at all your 3PL facilities is key to proper resource management. WorkHero makes its even easier now with historical device usage tracking, providing insight into all your devices across all your facilities. Historical Device Utilization can be found in Charts as a new Data Type: Active Devices.

NEW Team Utilization Performance Card: Our performance page is great for operations managers to view all important KPI's at a glance. Today we've added a new snapshot card showing the TOP FOUR teams your facility spends its time on and what percent (%) of the work day that is. This is great for putting up on the big board in the warehouse for all associates to view at a glance as they pass by. To add this card to your Performance page, scroll down to the bottom on Performance Page and look for the "+" sign. Click and select Team Utilization (Hours) from the dropdown menu.

NEW Elapsed & Total Work Time: Now workers can monitor their total time worked and time spent on each team right on their Rufus Android device. Keeping workers up to date, in real-time, on how much time has been spend in tasks like Receiving, Breakdown, Putaway, Cleanup, Break Time, etc helps motivate and keep teams on task.

For the full list of new features and fixes - head to and click "What's New?". 


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